
Fully encapsulated suit


Perfectly suited

Encapsulated industrial suit

The SE-shield series of protective suits are specially made for use with the SE400-AT respirator. All suits can be pressurised by the fan unit through a special ventilation valve on the breathing hose. The internal air flow means that inward leakage is minimised, and adds a sense of comfort and coolness. Polyamide fabric coated with PVC on both sides. For heavy-duty industrial use.
Protects against particles, aerosols, splashes and gas. Resistant to a wide variety of chemicals.


  • Fully encapsulated
  • Chemical resistant
  • Sewn seams with welded-on strips outside
  • Booties permanently sewn to suit legs
  • Impact and chemical resistant visor
  • Wide field of vision
  • Additional overhead visor

Data Sheet

Fully encapsulated industrial gas suit

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  • Description: Protective encapsulated suit, specially made for use with SE400 positive pressuredemand respirator. The SE400 can be fitted with an optional pressurisation hosewhich maintains a slight positive pressure inside the suit.
  • Usage
    Used to protect the entire body while wearing the SE400 respirator. Protects againstparticles, aerosols, splashes and gas. Resistant to a wide variety of chemicals. Arugged, durable protective suit, made for tough conditions.
  • Material: Polyamide fabric coated with PVC on both sides.
  • Weight of material: 509 g/m²
  • Mechanical resistance (based onprEN 943-1:1995)
    Mech effect Resistance
    Abrasion 6
    Heat/blocking stability 2
    Flex cracking 6
    Tear 3
    Burst 3
    Seam strength 5
  • Chemical resistance(based on prEN 943-1:1995): Sodium hydroxide 40%: >8 h breakthrough time
  • Suit construction
    • Seams: Sewn with welded on strip on the outside
    • SE400: The SE400 fan unit, hose and face piece are worn completely inside thesuit. The fan unit is worn on a balanced, convenient back-pack
    • SE400 filters: Sealed off from the interior of the suit by two threaded sealing rings
    • Gloves: Chemically impermeable gloves are fastened to the rigid sleeve rings withan airtight seal. The gloves are designed to be worn inside regular working gloves or
      rubber, leather or other materials
    • Booties: Booties are permanently sealed to the suit legs. Booties slip easily intoregular outer boots. A special skirt covers the bootleg for further protection.
  • Visor
    Impact and chemical resistant transparent PVC visor. Very wide and deep field ofvision. An additional visor overhead makes it possible to look upwards and seeobjects overhead.
  • Total inward leakage
    One unique feature of the S.E.A. PVC suit is that it can be used with a pressurisationhose which turns the suit into a positive pressure suit. Total inward leakage into thesuit if using pressurisation hose is typically 0.1%.


Instruction Manual

Data Sheet