Latest update from Standard Australia on AS/NZS 1715:2009 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment.
Ruling on facial hair whilst wearing PAPRs and fit testing. For more info
protective equipment
Sundström Safety protects people from contaminated air.
Their aim is to always design and manufacture the best and most comfortable respiratory protection equipment on the market.
Today Sundstrom can present a compatible and modular product range that is flexible and adaptable to both personal comfort and the needs and requirements of the workplace.
Facial hair and respiratory protective equipment
Read about information about workers with facial hair and the requirement to wear respiratory protective equipment to control the risk of exposure to airborne contaminants in the workplace.
The SE-RDA is small and inconspicuous, it is worn on a waistbelt or in a pocket. It connects to a respirator without any permanent modifications. It measures the wearer’s lung activity 50 times every second – continuously for up to 14 hours.
In under 2 minutes, the entire data-log of thousands of breaths can be downloaded to a computer, where the log is processed by specially written software.