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These documents contain scanned images of pages of the printed edition of PPM magazine. All content dates from the original time of publication. All information given may be out of date, including but not limited to text, illustrations, graphs, statistics, and contact details. Do not use or apply any of the information without first ensuring that it is correct, and that it complies with current regulations in your own jurisdiction.





01 Solvents — the health risks
Protection against solvents
    02 Toluene: Danish doctors shocked
1987 02 03 Carcinogens
Breathing protection: how to choose
Useful words
    04 Run for safety
Welding fumes
Pain vapours
Air swirls
Short rests
Paints and coatings
    05 Formaldehyde
Mask: features
Respirator testing
Methylene chloride
Office safety
    06 Smelter asthma
22nd ICOHS
Safety training
Holiday safety
1988 03 07 Confined space
Treated timber
Australian standards
AIDS replies
WALL CHART: how to select protection
    08 Water-based paint
Chemicals and pregnancy
Banned pesticides
California law
Safe farming in the USA
WALL CHART: the safety hurdle race

Pesticides: disposals and spills
Lead: do you know the hazards?
WALL CHART: disposal of pesticide empties

    10 Diesel and lung cancer
Solvents and mood changes
Food additives and mood changes
Occupational asthma
Isocyanate alternative
WALL CHART: warning labels
1989 04 11

Diesel and cancer
Welding and lead
The perfect workshop
Damaged smell sense
Garbage burning
Masks and beards
WALL CHART: bad habits

    12 Sweden cuts TLV
Rock damage
Toxic woods
Ear damage in youths
Solvents and hearing
WALL CHART: the forgotten risks

Blitz on paint shops
Back pain
Ear plugs and chewing
Safety training pitfalls
Welding special
WALL CHART: Noise levels

    14 Styrene
Farmers' hearing
VDU screens
Skin absorption
Pregnancy at work
Holiday safety
WALL CHART: Simon Says
1990 05 15 Confined space
Plastics and eyes
Petrol fumes
Thai work conditions
Hearing loss
WALL CHART: checkpoints
    16 Banana pesticides
Heat in the workplace
Fibre insulation
Voices on safety
Safe work hints
WALL CHART: eye safety
    17-18 Banned solvents
Engine oil and cancer
Noise vs noise
Welders' lung disease
Noise assessment
Solvents and brain damage
Replacement for styrene
Spray booths
Sense of smell
The psychology of hearing loss
WALL CHART: smells
1991 06 19 Sick building syndrome
Water-based paint
Sweden restricts fibres
Chemical storage
Animal glue
New keyboard design
WALL CHART: Leisure noise
    20 Solvents and sleep
French safety
Confined space
Welding and chloropolymers
Lead damage
Farmer's lung
Chemical inventories
WALL CHART: Skin protection
    21 Truck drivers' diet
Dust explosions
Stereo ear muffs
Solvent neurotoxins
Spray paint
Tanker cancer
Skin disease in film labs
Chemical plants
Multiple chemicals and gas cartridges
Road workers and sunlight
WALL CHART: Skin absorption
    22 Japanese car plants
Hairdressers and dermatitis
Skin protection
Hydrogen fluoride
Undocumented chemicals
Safety vs environment in UK
WALL CHART: Particle size
1992 07 23 Smoking
Skin care
Respirator acceptance
Disposable mask testing
Rock music and hearing
Silicone vs natural rubber masks
Vibration white finger
Compressed air
Hand eczema
Eczema from gloves
DJ's ears
Balance sense
Engineering-out: what it means
Body facts
Heat and the body
WALL CHART: solvents
    24 US lead epidemic
Antarctic fuel
Sulphuric acid
Shave or lose your lob
Solvent brain damage
Overhead cables
Arc welding
WALL CHART: compressed air
    25 Spain's poor safety
Glove permeation
Wood workers
Bad news for wood industry
Eye injuries
Smile, you're on video
WALL CHART: dermatitis
1993 08 26 Formaldehyde and nose block
Solvents and brain damage
Electric fields and cancer
Compressed air connectors
Low-temperature asphalt
Graffiti removal
WALL CHART: for every accident...
    27 Rubber glove irritation
Cleaning work
High-pressure water
Asbestos removal
Confined space
Acetic acid
Gender-based lead levels
WALL CHART: four fatal factors
    28 Dental amalgam
Pre-PPE measures
Asphalt fumes
MSDS: how to read
Heat exchange in the body
Skin absorption
Aluminium limits
WALL CHART: eight steps to safety
    29 Navy paintwork
Noise cuts
Temperature and work performance
Sweden lowers exposure limits
Hearing loss in men
Nuisance noise
Solvents and metabolism
ISRP society
WALL CHART: preventing back ache
1994 09 30 Sun creams
Noise and the unborn child
Bakery workers' allergy
Methyl chloride
Contact lenses and respirators
ANR: active noise reduction
Rest time
Cool air displacement
WALL CHART: four fatal factors
    31 Hard hats
OMC snippets
Asbestos deaths
Protective gloves: choose with care
Solvents and nerve damage in babies
Solvents overview
Zinc chloride
WALL CHART: Lighting in the workplace
    32 Disinfection of respirators
Floor cleaning
Dry cleaners
Silver nitrate
Noise effects on humans
Sense of smell
Styrene and genes
WALL CHART: the graveyard shift
    33 NZ printers phase out solvents
Baker's asthma
Skin facts
Magnetic fields
Water-based paints
Allergis sensitisation
Smoking and driving
HML method for assessment of hearing
WALL CHART: hand tools
1995 10 34 OSHA gets tough
Aluminium welding
Radio communication and SCBA
Poor hearing
Communication with hearing-impaired
Solvents and miscarriage
MSDS glossary
Vinyl chloride
WALL CHART: wear time vs protection factor
    35 Enzymes
Impulse noise
Noise minimisation
Skin creams
Ventilation part I
WALL CHART: hearing protection and the European standard
    36-37 Brain food
Aluminium and memory loss
Solvents and balance
Welding fumes
Respiratory allergens
What's in your lunch box?
Food handling
Power sleeping
Sulphur dioxide
Ventilation part II
Carbon disulphide
Noise levels
WALL CHART: hand tools
1996 11 38 Fibres
Magnetic fields
Chemical labelling
Ear size
Respirator basics
Protective gloves
Dead space
WALL CHART: Body Mass Index
    39 Personal stereos
Computer set-up
Legionnaires' disease
Vibrating tools
Restaurant noise
Paint stripping
WALL CHART: what's in a breath?
    40 Sleepy truckdrivers
Paper allergy
Drum cutting
Cleaning of premises
Truckdrivers' ventilated seats
Harrassment of hearing-impaired
Static electricity
Dust: the basics
WALL CHART: hazardous substances management checklist
    41 Skin complaints in cleaners
Electric fields
Cleaning methods
Hospital gets rid of chemicals
Petrol fumes
Lead handling
Breathing basics
WALL CHART: protective gloves
1997 12 42 Flame proofing agents
High-pressure water
Cyanoacrylate glue
Green paint
Night work
Solvents and infertility
Standards marks
WALL CHART: night shift


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